31 October 2018

all hallow's eve

St. Aidan of Lindasfarne.  Aidan, with the original meaning of “little fiery one,” known for his itinerant preaching and constructing of churches, made a perfect Scottish name for our own Shetland Sheepdog.

He’s been a little fiery one—ask anyone who’s tried to pet him!  When Banu and I spent a year with my mother in Tennessee when she had health issues, he would growl at my sister’s car when he recognized it parked in the street outside.  Now that’s too “fiery”!

I understand a dog doesn’t need to be saved from sin the way we poor sad humans need, but “hallowed” might describe the way he and other of our fellow animal sisters and brothers exist.

Maybe we can celebrate, and beg forgiveness for, our relationship with for critters with Aidan and all the rest of God’s good creation.

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