02 September 2010

sweet sixteen

The two images presented speak volumes about Banu and me on our 16th wedding anniversary, which is tomorrow. They were scanned from photos I took when we were students at Eastern Baptist Seminary. (Since then, its name has been changed to Palmer Seminary.)

The first is a reaction she frequently had then—and now. I often give her grief about…well, many things. If she had to present her own version of Homer Simpson’s “D’oh!,” this might be it. Thanks to me, she’s had plenty of opportunities to refine the technique.

The second image is of something that I, again, frequently witnessed: a meal lovingly prepared and waiting for me when I came home at night (sometimes quite late) from my job at Baskin-Robbins. As I remind her to this day, even sandwiches taste better when she makes them. (I really mean that; it’s not an excuse to avoid the preparation of food!)

So there’s one more reason to celebrate our marriage!

1 comment:

Gail said...

I hope that you and your wife had a blessed anniversary. Happy Sweet 16.