14 September 2011

we are Troy Davis

The State of Georgia is now set to execute Troy Davis on Wednesday, the 21st.  Even for those who agree with the death penalty, this should be a matter of urgent concern.  He was convicted of the 1989 shooting death of Savannah police officer Mark MacPhail.  The problem is that there was no physical evidence against Davis, and the weapon used in the crime was never found.  The case against him consisted entirely of witness testimony which contained inconsistencies even at the time of the trial.  Seven of nine witnesses have recanted their testimony.  One of the two failing to do so was also a suspect of the murder. 

I don’t know if he committed this terrible crime, but his guilt has hardly been established. 

So, if you believe that people whose guilt is seriously in question should not be executed, you are Troy Davis. 

In fact, if you believe that people whose guilt has any shadow of a doubt should not be executed, you are Troy Davis.

If you are Troy Davis, speak up for him!

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