In a couple
of days, we will have the celebration that is Trinity Sunday. For many people, that elicits a yawn or
leaves them with eyes that are glazed over!
isn’t three as the answer to a math problem.
Trinity speaks about the nature of God.
God is a community. You need at least three for there to be a
community. But this isn’t “community”
the way we often think of it. It isn’t a
collection of individuals who just happen to be in the same area.
There’s a
term called “perichoresis.” It comes from two Greek words meaning
“around” and “to contain” or “to dance.”
It was used by ancient writers to describe how the Persons of the
Trinity share the lives of each other, constantly interwoven in a vibrant
intimacy of love, a dance of love. They
hold each other in a holy dance. That is
what’s happening within the heart of God.
The German
philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche once said, “I would believe only in a god who
could dance.”
reminded of the chorus from the hymn, “Simple Gifts”: “When true
simplicity is gained / To bow and
to bend we shan’t be ashamed / To
turn, turn will be our delight /
‘Til by turning, turning we come round right.”
This is a joyous love that is interwoven into creation itself. God, who
is love, says of creation, “It is good.”
When we get a glimpse of that, we realize that the Holy Trinity is far
from some dry, dusty doctrine. We dive
right into the heart of truth and get the invitation that says, “There’s a
party going on!”