27 December 2008

hello, little sunny face

As with much of the northern US, we’ve had an ice storm or two in the past couple of weeks. There was a coating of ice on the sidewalks and streets that’s been difficult to remove. I’ve salted and scraped with a snow shovel the sidewalk in front of our house, but I’ve still been limited in how far I can walk my dog. After slipping a few times, he became more cautious.

Today the temperature soared into the 50s. Ice has been melting in abundance. And at 5:00 this afternoon, I noticed a single dandelion. It had sprouted in a place where, only a few hours earlier, snow and ice had control.

I will welcome the return of winter weather—in the form of snow, not sleet or freezing rain! But for now, I’m happy that a sunny little friend has been able to pay us a visit.

(The lower photo provides some perspective on where the dandelion sprouted in the yard: the tiny yellow dot in the center foreground.)

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